Atlantic Triangle käytetty

Kieli: suomi
Pelaajamäärä: 2-5
Peliaika: 45+ min
Ikäsuositus: 13+
Julkaisija: Mindwarrior games
Suunnittelija: Esa Wiik

24.90 €

1 varastossa


Formaatti Korttipeli
EAN 6416739243900k

Atlantic Triangle is a trading game for 2 – 5 players, who travel the seas as captains of merchant fleets in the dawn of the 18th century.

The Atlantic Ocean and the three continents conjoined by it lay the scene for fierce competition for money and power. The players seek to strengthen their trading stature by defying storms, pirates and competitors, who are pursuing the same goal.

A canny merchant keeps track of the market and the developments in supply and demand, and has the courage to take risks in the pursuit of greatness.

The Players purchase ships, load them with products and sail the three continents selling and trading their products, building bases, evading pirates and defying storms.

The winner of the game is decided by victory cards. Victory cards can be acquired via purchasing and maintaining bases, and by hunting down pirates. Different combinations of victory cards are worth different numbers of victory points.

Victory cards are drawn from the top of a shuffled deck, randomizing the type of a card the players get. The player who first acquires victory cards worth ten victory points wins the game.

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