Escape: Zombie City käytetty

Kaikki komponentit tallessa ja hyvässä kunnossa.

29.90 €

Varasto loppu


Formaatti Lautapeli
Ikäraja 7
Valmistaja Queen Games
EAN 4010350100325k

In Escape: Zombie City. you and your fellow players are survivors of the zombie apocalypse. hiding in a church of a big city. Everything is going great ? well. as great as it can be when zombies are all around ? but this is all about to change as a big wave of zombies is coming to town. and they want your brainy goodness. Your only option is to gather all the necessary supplies. start up the old VW Microbus. and get the hell outta Dodge (the city)!


Paino 0,5000 kg (kilogramma)

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