MTG Modern Horizons III Play Booster

Play Booster sisältää 15 korttia, joista 1-4 kortin harvinaisuus on vähintään Rare tai korkeampi.

9.90 €

20 varastossa


Julkaisupäivä 14.06.2024
EAN 195166253596

Powerful new cards to shake up the metagame. Returning favorites from Magic’s past to join the Modern era. Amazing reprints to build, customize, and expand your collection. All of this—and more—awaits players with Modern Horizons 3.

Modern Horizons 3 follows in the footsteps of its predecessor releases, bringing new-to-Magic cards to Modern alongside exciting reprints, including new-to-Modern additions and popular Modern cards from across Magic’s history.

With a skill-testing Draft format (coming to MTG Arena—we’ll share more details later) and cards ready to leap into Modern, Commander, and beyond, Modern Horizons 3 has plenty for every dedicated Magic fan.

Among the most exciting returning cards are the ally fetch lands, key components to cutting-edge mana bases for your most powerful (and colorful) decks. But what sets Modern Horizons 3 apart are the cards you’ve never seen before.

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