Munchkin Booty käytetty

Peliaika:60 min

Yhdistettävissä muihin Munchkin-peleihin.

19.90 €

Varasto loppu


Formaatti Lautapeli
Valmistaja Steve Jackson Games
EAN 837654320600k

Sail the seven seas. Plunder the treasure. Make your buddy walk the plank.

Munchkin Booty brings the greatest gold-grabbers in history – pirates! – to the world of Munchkin. Use your Silver Long Johns to beat the Lobster Mobster, drink your Demon Rum to fight off the Viking Kittens, and defend yourself with the Cutlass (or Cutlad, for the gents) against the Prince of Whales. But watch out for Sharks!

Rake in the loot as a PirateNaval Officer, or Merchant. Taunt your foes with your horrible Accent – BritishSpanishDutch, or French. Equip your Half-Galleon with a Crow’s Nest and Figurehead. But above all . . . level up!

Munchkin Booty is a stand-alone card game designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic. It is fully compatible with the original Munchkin.

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