Tang Garden + Ghost Stories Exp + Golden Age Exp + Kickstarter Extra käytetty

Kaikki komponentit mukana ja hyvässä kunnossa.

  • Tang Garden
  • Ghost Stories Expansion
  • Golden Age Expansion
  • Kickstarter Extrat

79.90 €

Varasto loppu


Formaatti Lautapeli

Tang Garden is a Zen-like game that will take you to the first golden age of China, where players will progressively build a garden by creating the landscape, placing the scenery and projecting their vision through vertical panoramas. During the construction, noblemen will visit the garden to admire the surroundings and the way the natural elements coexist in the most breathtaking scenery humankind has ever laid their eyes upon.


Paino 0,7 kg (kilogramma)

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