Fallout Roleplaying Dice Set

Resplendent in blue with yellow contrast for clear readability, this dice set has been custom-tailored for the Fallout tabletop Roleplaying Game. This set includes all the dice a single player needs and will cover all mechanics found in the core rulebook.

Noppasetti Fallout RPG-peliin, joka sisältää kaikki nopat mitä yksi pelaaja tarvitsee Core Rulebookin mekaniikkoihin.


  • 20-sivuinen Hit Location noppa (x1)
  • 20-sivuiset nopat, joissa Vaultec-logo numeron 1 tilalla (x2)
  • 6-sivuiset Damage nopat jossa kuvioina Vault Boy ja räjähdyskuviot (x4)

24.90 €

Varasto loppu


Formaatti RPG
Valmistaja Modiphius Entertainment
EAN 5060523344321

Resplendent in blue with yellow contrast for clear readability, this dice set has been custom-tailored for the Fallout tabletop Roleplaying Game. This set includes all the dice a single player needs and will cover all mechanics found in the core rulebook.


  • 20-sided Hit Location dice (x1)
  • 20-sided dice with the VaultTec logo on the ’1’ face (x2)
  • Six-sided Damage Dice showing Vault Boy and blast marks (x4)

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